
About Eldoras

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4 years ago,my bro n i...

mykorkor so handsome~`my didi cute

Woooootss,hey bro,u wan to marry ar??

my mummy say:
i m come from tong sampah
my korkor is come from the sea
my didi is come from longkang

What do you know about your brother?
1.I cant understand what he is thinking about.
2.His action always beyond the soar of fancy.
3.he loves dancing.
4.He likes to show his muscles.
5.He hates durian.
6.he loves acting veri much,and i m always asked to b a supporting role.
7.He is a jack of everything,but he is a king of nothing...hehe
8.He is pro in cooking noodles.
9.when he is watching TV,he does not hear a word of what you say.
10.He is a complete mess.
11.He likes Bruce Lee,and Zhen Zi Dan.
12.He likes to tell jokes.i will laugh till my stomach burst
13.His hobby is making a wry face to us.
14.He has a cao lao bin.
15.he always wears jeans with slipper.it looks funny.
16.he likes to mix with his KLT gang.

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